Do Your Thank You Letters Touch Donors' Hearts + Keep Them Giving?

The Donor Attraction Letter

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Here we are in April with your spring fundraising season in full force!
By now, you’ve probably been sending many emails and direct mail packages for your annual fund, special events, and other fundraising efforts geared toward raising the revenue you need to hit your 2014 goals.
I hope you’re doing great and attracting lots of gifts!
Now, for those wonderful people who make donations, I’ve got an important question for you:
Do your thank you communications make strong emotional deposits with donors, inspiring them to give again, or do they leave givers feeling a tinge of regret? Or worse, are your donors feeling terribly turned off, ready to stop their support?
Today, I won’t go into a lot of detail about WHY your thank you communications are mega-important. I’ve got no doubt that you get that!
And, if you’ve been with me for any length of time, you know I’ve covered this topic a lot. (If you’re a newer subscriber or want to check back on some past posts, you can click over to them here and here)
The bottom line is that your thank you communications are some of your best fundraising tools. Great thank you letters, emails, and videos that emotionally connect and tug at your donors’ hearts can have immediate and very valuable results. As I wrote about in my special report, the Art of Powerfully Thanking Your Donors for Maximum Donor Love and More Donations, I helped create a new thank you letter process and new letters for one nonprofit that turned a first-time $50 donor into a $1,000 donor one month later (hooray!).
So, if your thank you letters are in need of a tune-up, here’s a special “Thank You Letter Makeover” offer I’m throwing out that can dramatically improve your fundraising:
I’ll write one new powerful, donor-centered thank you letter for you for $100. If you’d like two or more, each would be just $75.
Remember: This is one of the very best investments you can possibly make!
Creating a new thank you letter today could very well mean raising thousands more dollars as quickly as next month and for years to come.

Got an annual fund thank you that needs fresh, engaging copy?
Maybe your memorial donation thank you could benefit from warmer, more personal and lively copy?
Is your special event thank you sounding stale and falling flat?
For those kinds of letters, or for any others, I’d love to help you deliver beautifully-written thank you messages that make your donors feel special, appreciated, loved, and excited to give again.
To get started, simply reply to this email or call me at 248.957.8918.
Tell me what you'd like to work on and, together, we’ll get you on a better path of leveraging the HUGE opportunity you have to turn thank you correspondence into lifetime donor gold.
Your partner in creating thank you letters your donors love,

Jen Viano
Nonprofit Writer/Consultant
Editor, The Donor Attraction Letter

PS: This special offer ends on April 15. Hope to hear from you soon!