Flattery Will Get You Far with Your Donors

The Donor Attraction Letter

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

When it comes to flattering your donors, ask yourself:
Are you pouring on the flattery enough?
In your donor communications, flattery needs to be front and center!
Thank you letters, fundraising appeals, website copy, social media messages, personal handwritten notes, your annual report … they ALL need to be brimming with flattery and a big dose of donor love.
Well, I know you already know that it’s only human nature to like being flattered.

But, you may also feel a bit skeptical. You may think if you lay it on too strong it will seem fake and turn donors off.
Please, please, please: Don’t make this mistake!
First, your flattery isn’t fake.
Genuinely, your donors are fantastic people who deserve to be flattered. When crafted thoughtfully, your words can resonate in a sincere and meaningful way.
Second, your donors enjoy and respond to the admiration. They’re smart, and, yes, they recognize the flattery is coming to them in response to something you got from them. But, the bottom line is this:
Neuroscience tells us that the human brain is wired to take in flattery and respond positively to it. This means flattery can work wonders in setting your future solicitations up for success.
So, as it relates to your donors, keep this simple equation in mind:
As a savvy fundraiser, make it your mission to find more ways to flatter your donors. You’ll make your donors feel good, build stronger relationships, and raise more money.
My top tip?
Audit your donor communications and see if your flattery factor is high enough. Are you consistently giving donors the credit for all of your good work (using lots of “you” and far less “we” phrasing)? Are you using words that help donors deeply feel their worth and the weight of what their support means?
If not, spend time on this. As master nonprofit communicator, Tom Ahern, says:
“Flattering donors too much is right at the top of a fundraiser’s job description, in my opinion.”
I agree. Your donors should be showered regularly with heartfelt recognition and appreciation that makes ‘em feel good. Without their ongoing support, you simply couldn’t make life better for those you serve.

Dedicated to helping you attract and keep your donors,

Jen Viano
Nonprofit Writer/Consultant
Editor, The Donor Attraction Letter

PS: Want Some Help?
If you’d like help writing donor communications that flatter your donors in a genuine, heartfelt way that emotionally connects and inspires more support, please reach out and let me know! I’d love to help. Hit reply or call me at 248.957.8918.