Special Offer: Are Your Donors Leaving Because They Don't Feel Loved?

The Donor Attraction Letter

Wednesday, May 21.204

In January, I wrote a post for you on making 2014 a year of more donor love.
As you likely know, donor retention has been at an all-time low. On average, 7 out of 10 first-time donors never give again. And many say it’s because they were treated poorly by the nonprofit they gave to. As a former nonprofit leader/fundraiser, this really makes me sad! But, I’m sure you agree that feeling underappreciated and getting communications that lack personalization, warmth, and enthusiasm isn’t a good formula for repeat gifts.
If you feel you’re ranking nice and high on the donor love scale, I commend you! Chances are good that your donor retention rate is higher than the average (hopefully a lot higher!).
But, if you have that nagging feeling inside that your donor communications are NOT doing a good job of making your donors feel the love, you can benefit from a special offer I’m throwing out today.
The Scoop on My Offer and What You Get!
Because sending out warm, personalized, enthusiastic thank you communications are the most important thing you can do to amp up donor love, I’m offering a 3-part thank you package today at a very affordable price.
Here’s what you get:
New Thank You Process
I’ll create a new, enhanced thank you process for one fundraising appeal or event. This might be your annual fund, a walk, or maybe an online fundraising initiative. 
How This Helps You: This new thank you process will help in two big ways. First, your donors will LOVE receiving more gratitude for their gifts. Remember this old fundraising adage: Find 7 ways to thank your donor and she’ll give again. Next, you/your staff will walk away with a clear road map for implementing a smooth, successful, new-and-improved thank you process.
New Thank You Letter
I’ll write a new thank you letter that’ll capture your donors’ hearts and leave them feeling loved after they give. This will tie in to the same fundraising appeal/event in #1 and will include versions for in memory/in honor donations. So, you’re actually getting 3 new letters!
How This Helps You: A fresh, captivating thank you letter will do wonders for getting donors feeling excited to continue their support. Particularly if you use the same ol’ type of thank you letter over and over, this is a great way to surprise and delight your donors. And we’ll freshen up content in the letter about your work. Bottom line: This will yield you significantly more happy, repeat donors. :)
New Thank You Phone Script + Call Tips
I’ll write a new phone script you can use to thank your donors (also tied in to #1). In addition, I’ll give you a tip list that answe some common questions about why these calls matter so much and shows you how to maximize them (like what to do after the calls).
How This Helps You: Including donor calls in your thank you process is SO important. It’s a key tool you can use to stand out in your donors’ minds and make strong emotional deposits. But, sometimes you’re not sure what to say and how to implement the calls. I’ll help you be confident with your calls and looking forward to making them! The big reason you really need to make these calls? Research shows that donors feel very special that you took the time to call (even if you get voicemail) and they tend to give more the next time they’re asked.
You get all of this for the affordable investment of $500.
Just think about it:

An investment today of $500 in delivering outstanding thank you communications can help you dramatically improve your donor retention rate and raise thousands more dollars as quickly as next month and for years to come.
I’ve seen it happen!
And it can happen for you, too.
Ready to Get Started and Show Your Donors More Love?
Email me at Jen@JenViano.com or give me a call at 248.957.8918. Hope to hear from you soon!

Dedicated to helping you attract and keep your donors,

Jen Viano
Nonprofit Writer/Consultant
Editor, The Donor Attraction Letter

PS: This offer ends on May 27, 2014! Be sure to email/call soon to reserve time on my calendar for your new thank you communications.