The Donor Attraction Letter is Moving to Monthly!

The Donor Attraction Letter

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Since launching The Donor Attraction Letter last year in September, I’ve loved connecting with you every week to bring you tips for attracting and keeping your donors.
Now, because of some changes in my life, I’ve decided to make The Donor Attraction Letter a monthly e-newsletter. A big reason I'm doing this is because I need more time to spend caring for my mother who has some health problems.
My mom recently had an ICD (implantable cardioverter defribillator) inserted to help her weak heart, and she’s doing better with it so far! But, there’s a lot of follow-up care, doctor appointments, and involvement on my part to make sure she continues to do well. We’re also starting to work very diligently now on her diet/lifestyle to prevent diabetes (she’s pre-diabetic with a sugar addiction we need to combat!).
So, going forward, you’ll receive The Donor Attraction Letter during the first week of each month starting in July.
In between issues, I invite you to stay connected to the support and services I offer by:

  • Visiting my website often for back issues of The Donor Attraction Letter, helpful resources, and to read about my writing and consulting services.
  • Clicking here for my thoughts on the importance of sending compelling donor communications throughout the year to help attract + keep your donors.
  • Contacting me at or 248.957.8918 to let me know if you’d like to explore working together on a writing project or partnering up for some consulting help.

Thanks so much for tuning to The Donor Attraction Letter!

Your trust and confidence in me as a partner in your donor attraction efforts means a great deal. I wish you much success and look forward to staying in touch.

Dedicated to helping you attract and keep your donors,

Jen Viano
Nonprofit Writer/Consultant
Editor, The Donor Attraction Letter

PS: Remember, I’d love to hear from you anytime! Please reach out via email at or call me at 248.957.8918 with questions or to begin working together.
PPS: For easy reference, here’s a list of some of the most popular writing/communications projects I work with clients on and/or have years of experience creating:
Annual Fund Appeals
Annual / Special Reports
Articles / Stories
Direct Mail Newsletters
Educational Guides / Publications
Event Communications
Fundraising Letters/Emails/Videos
Gratitude / Thank You Communications
Social Media Messages
Sponsorship Communications
Standalone Emails
Website Content